Le Royaume-Uni: dans ou hors l’UE ?

C’est confirmé : Le Premier Ministre britannique David Cameron l’a promis, s’il est réélu pour un 2e mandat, il y aura l’organisation d’un référendum d’ici à 2017 sur la question de l’appartenance du Royaume-Uni à l’Union Européenne.  Cependant, cette proposition s’est heurtée à une forte opposition et les conséquences de la sortie proposée concerneraient à la fois la Grande Bretagne et l’Europe.

Par conséquent, regardons ce que seraient ces conséquences et ce quelles signifieraient  pour les relations européennes ?

Le Royaume-Uni et l’UE seront-ils les partenaires dans le futur ? Image via Lancastrian/Flickr

Du coté britannique, le risque est important. Le Royaume-Uni est regardé comme la porte financière d’entrée pour l’Europe et la majorité de ses exportations vont vers l’UE. Si la Grande-Bretagne quitte l’UE,  il y aura plus d’obstacles à surmonter comme par exemple les taxes et les réglementations de douanes plus  rigoureuses. De plus, selon le PDG de Saxo Banque France, Pierre-Antoine Dusolier, << Certains banquiers anglais tablent même déjà sur Francfort comme prochain centre financier de l’Europe. >> Sans la sécurité du marché unique, la Grande Bretagne risque de  fermer la porte à des nombreux investisseurs. Pourtant, le Royaume-Uni pourrait quitter l’Union tout en restant membre de l’espace économique européen comme c’est le cas pour la Suisse et la Norvège. Cette option donnerait à la Grande Bretagne l’indépendance souhaitée tout en conservant les avantages du marché unique.

Pour les européens, la sortie éventuelle britannique signifierait éventuellement une rupture de l’Union Européenne. <<La question posée par David Cameron est la question même de l’avenir de l’Union : une Europe à la carte réduite au seul champ du marché ou une Europe intégrée et démocratique…>> est l’avis de Marielle de Sarnez, Eurodéputée et vice-président du Mouvement Démocrate. En outre, à Londres seulement, il y a 400 000 Français qui y travaillent ce qui est l’équivalent à la 6e ville de la France. Une sortie britannique limiterait le genre et la quantité des offres d’emploi pour les européens en Grande-Bretagne. Un marché du travail sans restriction est primordial, surtout pour diminuer le fardeau dans les pays touchés par un taux de chômage important.

Pour résumer,  s’affranchir de l’UE, sera une action qui devra être bien réfléchie. Si la Grande Bretagne rompt ses liens avec l’Europe, elle risquera d’être isolée politiquement et le rôle de l’Union Européen dans l’avenir en Europe sera remis en question.  Actuellement, la situation est telle que tous les membres sont obligés d’agir en discutant le rôle de l’UE dans son pays pour éviter la rupture des relations politiques européennes.

Qu’en pensez-vous ?

Hit the mark!

We all start off the new year with good intentions: I will eat more healthily, I will spend less,  I will stay away from the TV and read more books; but yesterday marked the day when you were most likely to ditch your new year’s resolution. Why? Although the cold January weather might not help, the main reason why people give up on their resolutions is a poor goal-setting technique. Therefore, nail your goal-setting technique and it will help give you the drive and focus you need to succeed.

The first stage of goal-setting is establishing a plan of action. It’s all well and good saying you want to get a promotion but if you don’t have a clear idea how you are going to do so, your goal will lack the direction it requires. Keep things simple and start off with one goal.  Then, write a plan implementing what, when and how you are going to accomplish your objectives.  Revise your plan regularly to monitor progress.

Image via StockMonkeys.com

Losing motivation and focus are the main causes behind falling off the wagon. However, it only takes a few little steps to maintain your drive. Build your peer support group by telling your friends and family about your aim. Find role models and look for inspiration from others who are currently aiming for the same thing on blogs, or in books and magazines. Stick a post-it on your desk or set yourself a reminder to keep the goal at the forefront of your thoughts.  To make an action a habit, statistics show that it takes approximately 30 to 40 repetitions so integrate your goal into your daily routine. For instance, if your goal is to exercise more, you could get off the bus two stops before your usual stop and walk the rest of the way home. The little things add up!

Whilst it is important to focus on one goal, it is a good idea to bear in mind your aspirations for the future. Writing down all of your lifelong ambitions will allow you to prioritise and throw any goals that you aren’t particularly bothered about. This pyramid approach from Lifehacker  will aid you to visualise your goals:


Not only will this method allow you to appreciate what you wish to achieve, it offers an approach to set yourself realistic and attainable goals in the short-term to build towards the final goal.

However, sometimes you can do all the planning in the world and you don’t achieve your aim. What do you do then? Firstly, don’t take the failure to heart. This will lead to demotivation and negative thinking, which won’t be productive. Taking a risk means unfortunately that things don’t always work out as planned. Use this as a learning opportunity to build on for the next stage and remember that without taking risks, you are denying yourself the opportunity to reach your potential.

So, what are you waiting for? There is no time like the present to make positive changes in your life!


What are your thoughts on New Year’s resolutions? Have you ever made one and saw it through until the end of the year?

Settle your pre-interview nerves!

In the words of Alexander Graham Bell, “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” Keeping this in mind, preparation before an interview can make or break your chances of securing that vital job offer. Therefore, sorting out your pre-interview technique is crucial to settle your nerves and to have a positive mindset to impress your prospective employers. We have compiled a list of the essentials to ensure that you will be raring to go and ace any interview!

Image via SalFalko

The Basics

Establish the exact interview arrangements. First and foremost, find out the location and time of your interview. If at all possible, test run travelling to the interview location to have an idea of the logistics and timing. On the actual day of interview, give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the interview to allow for any unforeseen delays.  Acquaint yourself with the structure of the interview. Is it a one-on-one interview? Will you have more than one interview? Will you have any tests to do? Finally, if you know the name of the interviewer, do a bit of research to find out their role in the company. If you’re going through a recruitment agency, your consultant should give you a brief background of the interviewer.  Use social media such as LinkedIn or Twitter and look on the company website if there is a personnel page.


Reread the job description and your CV. Pick up on the key skills and qualities the recruiters are looking for and think of how your past experience can demonstrate that you are right for the job. Looking over the job description and CV also allows you to prepare answers to potential questions. Glassdoor is a great resource which has comprehensive lists of example interview questions asked by each company. This groundwork will enforce why you feel you are suitable for the job which will boost your confidence no end!


Commercial Awareness

Go on LinkedIn and see if any of your contacts have worked or are currently working at the company. If you’re lucky enough to know someone, contact them beforehand and ask them about the company culture. Otherwise, research the company and find out:

  • The company’s mission statement, sector and products
  • Important facts and figures e.g. size, scope, revenue
  • The industry and the company’s main competitors
  • Any recent news involving or affecting the company

This research along with your job description and CV revision should help you to arrive at the interview with questions specific to the company and the job itself. Remember, the interview is just as much an opportunity for you to find out more as it is for your prospective employer!

The Night Before

Set out your interview clothes and be sure to iron your interview clothes and polish your shoes. Print off your CV and organise your belongings so you are ready to go the next day. It should go without saying but a good night’s sleep is the key to feeling mentally and physically prepared interview. Reduce anxiety by winding down well in advance before bedtime. Do some gentle exercise such as yoga or go out for a walk and find yourself a good book to read.


Reflect on what attracted you to the job in the first place. If you can remind yourself why you want the job, you will be able to convince the employer why you are the right candidate. Good Luck!

What are your tips to prepare for interviews?